

Setup Remote Users to grant permissions to MySQL Database



·         Download and run the installer tool, click Parklane-MySQL-Sync-User.exe to setup permissions.

·         For Windows Servers with the 64bit Parklane Framework use this tool, Parklane-MySQL-Sync-User-64.exe for permissions.

·         On the introduction click Next




·         Enter specific workstation or server name that is connecting to the MySQL database.

You may be required to use a specific IP Address.

Each machine that connects to the Parklane MySQL Server must be “granted” user permissions.

Each machine is identified either by its IP Address or its fully qualified domain name (FQDN).


        In the screen below enter either the IP Address of the server/workstation you are connecting from or the FQDN.

Wildcards (%) can also be used to specify a range with DNS names or IP addresses.


        Also if you are using a Test database change the Schema name as need to match your database name.




·         Confirm options and click Install. 
This will run the command to assign permissions to the local MySQL Server.

·         No files are installed.


The user permissions are now assigned to the MySQL server.


Click Finish to close.



Run again for as many users/workstations that require permission to MySQL.